Monday, November 28

Crazy Cap Giveaway

Can I just say sucked in to all those who lost Kym's little cap competition (see below). I WON! Bwaaaaahahahaha *ahem* Anyway, seeing as I'm not much into trucker caps (although I do like NORMAL caps) then I'm going to give away the exclusive Olive Juice cap in my own little competition. And unlike Kym's crappy prize - I HAVE THREE CAPS UP FOR GRABS!

That's right - do not adjust your computer screens. Not only will you win the Olive Juice cap, I'm also throwing in a trucker cap by the Sydney label "Joe the Taxi Driver" (very exclusive!!) and a Hope Rwanda cap.

That's THREE caps!!! So your question is this: what was the name of the classic 80s tribute band pictured below, and what is the name of every person in it (first and last name)?

Terms and Conditions: No one in the picture can enter. That's all.


RedRolle said...

The group name is 'New new Kids on the Block' and it's participants as seen in this photo are (from left to right) Adrian Pannekoek, Justin Calcott, John Ryder, Adam Przytula, Bryce Green (ABC news), Adam Cross, Serg Astudillo (armadillo)... do I win? do I win?

RedRolle said...

It was only harmless trickery Dave - a girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Can I help it if I watched 'Murder She Wrote' as a child to learn all my super sleuth tatics... :S

b r y c e said...

Kym you can't win. There's to be no trickery in my little game. I'm officially ruling you out of contention. No members of the blog or band can enter. So there.

odorus said...

right. so this is where tin tin the cheater comes in.

The group name is 'New new Kids on the Block'.

Adrian Pannekoek, Justin Calcott, John Ryder, Adam Przytula, Bryce Green, Adam Cross, Serg Astudillo

odorus said...

correction: New Kids on the Block. Adam Pryztula.

hmm.. 3 hats..

ToNyAKAsErG said...

shame tin tin

odorus said...

A girls' gotta do what a girl's gotta do (Rolle, 2005.)

RedRolle said...

EastJoker - I like your style!! I'd be proud to have you styling an OJ hat!!! You go girl! Hope Bryce let's you win - he's seems to be quite choosey!

Bryce - I didn't rule you out of my comp cause you're a blogger - ohhh wowwww!! Interesting!

b r y c e said...

Due to impending legal action from Kym, here's the deal I'm going to cut.

Kym gets the Hope Rwanda cap, and the exclusive Joe the Taxi Driver trucker cap. Happy Kym?!

Tin Tin gets the OJ cap. Deal.

odorus said...

Bryceo: no way!! you're saying I'm the proud owner of the OJ cap?!

I'd like to thank my mom.. and my dad..

Redrolle: thanks Kym! wow.. really? I'd be more than happy to style an OJ hat! not that I've done it before :) congrats for the other 2 caps you've won.

Now I can say to my grandkids.. 'nana won an OJ hat once. everyone calls nana tin tin the cheater. but persistence it is. persistence.'

Anonymous said...

Brycie, Tomy, I have grave concerns that your once 'democratic' blog has been subject to a 'hostile' takeover by none other than that red headed Rolle... or should I say Chairman Rolle! (dramatic reverb!)!!!!

Flamin hell fellas... what is going on? Today the blog, tomorrow the world!

I think we need to pool resources together and fight the unruly mob that tries to suppress us... we will fight on the beaches, we wil fight in the air an we will prevail.. oh yes they will never, never, never defeat us...

but seriously, who gives a rip about a hat? I'll flamin eat mine if this nonsence doesn't stop.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that should have said TONY not tomy... who the hell is tomy anyway... stupid voices in my head!

RedRolle said...

Boof you seriously crack me up - We'll win you with kindness over to the 'Red Side' - just you wait!

PS. Since when does demoncracy have gender preference? Besides, although I'm enjoying the banter, I'm trying to find your comments on this blog before I started contributing?? Pretty hard to find... Interesting!... I'll see that comment and raise you 1... YOUR TURN!

Anonymous said...

Demoncracy - what the hell redRollover? Are you saying that you are using the dark side of the force to help you gain power over the masses?

I should have known... Lucky that BIG tony, Brycie and I saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose a few weeks back - we know how to sort you out love! Now to find the Holy water