Monday, November 28

Guess Who?

The name of the game says it all.. what you need to do is guess who is in each picture and put ur correct answer in the comments.. each one is worth 1 point but no7 is worth 5 points..there are no prizes.. you just get the joy of participating..
Who will get the highest score???....



7- (worth 5 points)



odorus said...

1. james bond
2. jess raines
3. matt green
4. clare o'neil
5. matt jones
6. steve
7. andrea?
8. marj?
9. samn gibbs-jones
10. paul eaton?

Anonymous said...

quite original game but sounds like a 'deja vu'...

Anonymous said...

english please..

ToNyAKAsErG said...

correct answers will be posted on wednesday..

Anonymous said...

1.James B
2.Jess R
3.Matty G
4.Clare O
6.Steve P
7.I'll go with Andrea too :O)
9.Sam G (apple)
10.Know the name, but not the face

c@th said...

ooo #7 has the same colour eyes as me! (and no..i'm not #7)

Anonymous said...

hey anonyme 'deja vu 'is an international expression where is your culture???

b r y c e said...

I think Tin Tin has got it. Although I'm not sure who the last guy is?

ToNyAKAsErG said...

ohh shame.. ur all close.. but no cigars.. hehehe.. keep trying.. answers wednesday

ToNyAKAsErG said...


1. james bond
2. jess raines
3. matty green
4. clare o'neil
5. matt jones
6. stephen plumb
7. andrea meyerowitz
8. marjeanne melvill
9. samn gibbs-jones
10.Mark cullen

there you have it.. perhaps i should've placed higher points for no 10!.. stay tuned for the next lot

Anonymous said...

excuse me Tony my hunk of a Mexican... shouldn't your hehehe be written jejeje? You are forgetting where you have come from my friend...

Butt yes, I see Mark Cullen in your photos... when do we see one of you?

ToNyAKAsErG said...

mate.. cannot afford to pay for my photos.. but i am humble and generous.. so saty tuned for one of me ;)