Wednesday, November 30

Saturday Night’s Electrical Storm

strike 1

strike 2

close up of strike 2

strike 3

None of these shots have been edited (except for colour) or composited to add strikes together. They are ‘as is’ during 5 second exposures.

Funny how the big cloud in strike 3 has a saucer shape.

No photographers were injured during the storm.

(from an e-mail)


Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! War of the worlds is upon us!!!!! And who would've thought it would start in the most isolated city in the world. Aliens must not be that smart, after all :)

Anonymous said...

we arent isolated - the rest of the world smells... we like to keep our distance!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How amazing! I was driving at the time and got a little bit scared.

ruthjanine said...

i'm glad someone caught the shots and sent them out! i tried shamelessly to capture it on my camera with no sucess...

Food Loving Mama said...