Friday, November 25

'The SHOT is RIGHT' #2 - PRIZE involved!

Any guesses on these shots? Where exactly and who exactly is the shot of (including first last names)? You'll have to do some super sleuth work on this one and may need to help each other out and fight over the prize later. Bonus points if you can name the 'Green Tea Cup Club' nick-name for this location. Sorry the hotties in the shots can't enter.

The correct first response will win a limited edition Olive Juice camo trucker cap... that's right folks - a real prize!! "Fo shizzle ma nizzle bizzle!!"

"Olive Juice!!"


Anonymous said...

bugger off Kym, trying to think that hard aint worth a flamin hat! Go find some other sucker!

ToNyAKAsErG said...

i love your style b00f

*jessix* said...

Elizabeth (yoplait petit miam) Rosinel, Luke Parker, Sarah Polanski formerly Padgett. I have no clue where they are but do I get points for trying? Just the hate without the logo maybe? Or just the logo by itself?x

*jessix* said...

Um...spelling error, that was HAT without the logo by the way...No hating from me.

*jessix* said...

Oxford 130's...nickname is One Squirty's. Am I a winner yet or what?!!?! Unlike boof I want the prize...have I already mentioned that?

b r y c e said...

The people are: Elizabeth Rosinel, Luke Parker and Sara Polanski.

The location is in that dodgy carpark, behind Han's Cafe in Leederville.

Not sure about the Green Tea Cup Club nickname though. One Squirty's!?!

Anonymous said...

actually ... just a little mistake in my first name... that's an 'S' instead of a'Z'. I m not french for nothing!!!!!i know i am a bit demanding but i'm a teacher...

odorus said...

Elisabeth Rosinel. Luke Parker. Sarah Polanski.

Dodgy carpark behind Han's Cafe in Leederville.

One Squirty's.

ps. gosh. so frenchychick is you elisabeth.

odorus said...

Elisabeth Rosinel. Luke Parker. Sara Polanski.

Dodgy carpark behind Han's Cafe in Leederville.

One Squirty's.

is that really obvious that i want the hat?

b r y c e said...

Here is my winning entry:

Elisabeth Rosinel. Luke Parker. Sara Polanski.

Dodgy carpark behind Han's Cafe in Leederville.

It's nickname is "poll position"


Anonymous said...

Like is said before, stick your stupid hat! Wasting my time here... beer drinking time!

Anonymous said...

hey boof
take it easy or 'tranquille' in french alright??!!!. but enjoy your beer anyway ;)

RedRolle said...

It's Official - Bryce Green is the first and the most accurate! Well done Brycey - you are the proud owner of a new Olive Juice hat!! But I didn't think you wore hats so who are you going to give it too?

Note: start sucking up to Mr Green ladies!!! I hear he's available.

Thanks to all who had a go and stay tuned for moer giveaways! If you see some one around with an OJ hat - tell them they're cool! Well Jesus thinks so! If you want to place an order for one let me know... open for business. xx Miss OJ

odorus said...

*grumble* can i at least get a keyring or something.

b r y c e said...

It's untrue that I'm not a cap man, but trucker caps are a different story.

I want to see some grovelling! Who wants the cap? I'll even throw in a second trucker cap designed by the exclusive Sydney label "Joe The Taxi Driver".

Start the bidding!