Monday, May 12

Mum's Day 08

A few things my Mum loves: antique bargains, photos of cool bridges, beautiful trees, Rummingking, tea in bed, a good book, clean schnauzers, Us (boy does she show it!), when Dad doesn't fall asleep on the couch, laughing till she cries (that's where I get it from), adventure on a sunny day, bon fires, her wipper-snipper and blower vac, yellow gumboots, lunch with her Ya-Ya's, acts of service and especially having all the family home!!! We love ya Mum!!

"Wilhelmina all the way!"

So on Sunday, we pulled our sorry heinies out of bed at 6am to take our lovely Mum up to my favourite mountain cabin at Goomallurra Falls for breakfast... she loved it!

And the best way to my Mum's heart... her favourite game of Rummingking (visitors to Villa le Rolle have experienced the phenomena that is Rummingking with Mum)... but we didn't let her win even though she usually kicks ass!!

Dad trying to imitate the 'happy face'... he doesn't normally look this special.

Mum usually wins so this was hilarious when Be won in one turn and left Mum with a board full - she was "Not happy Jan!"
(this shot's for you serg - Dad's idea!)

We climbed this hilltop when I was a kid in the early 90's and still wearing parachute trackies. Now it's private property with a electric fence and a sign that says "Warning BULL - keep out!" So I jumped the fence and hedged my bets it was a bluff - sure enough... no bull!

And here was another Mother up a pole!...

Hope you enjoy the love from my fam to yours!! Hope all the Mum's out there had the best day ever!


*jessix* said...

Great to see you & pics of the seeing families together! No pressies for this mom...but got lots of juicy kisses from the boys...priceless!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mum's day Jess!! As our only ElRancho Mum we salute you!!! Love ya long time girl! xx K