Monday, July 28

Update Post Number who Knows

A lot has been goin on since I last posted here.. so much I dont even know where to begin.. so I'l go by what pics I have taken even though not all events have been Fotogenized.. so here goes.. We finally moved into our new place in Temuco and its a much nicer and quieter place.. although Temuco isnt without its faults.. like the smog is much worse here than Concepción despite it being a smaller city.. We've been spending a fair bit of time with family and its been a nice change from being in Concepcion where family visits where far and few between.. ALthough we did leave our freinds Jaime and Viviana behind but I am sure they will visit or visa versa come summertime.. The Mrs and I went on our first flight together which was a cool change from travelling by bus to and from Concepción.. a massive differnece 30 minute flight to a 4 hour bus ride!.. and the price difference was only 15 bucks!.. well like I said we are settling in and discovering the Town of Temuco and finding the cheapest places to shop and all that jazz.. its been a good few months since Massiel finished uni and soon she will be graduating which means another trip to Concepción..

Hazelnuts from the ranch + the other is a fallen leaf in our front yard in Conce.

Smog filled Temuco!

Us with our 3month old nephew Abner

Massiel with our nephew and Niece Antonia

My nephew Sebastian who loves to pose for pics

Jaime and Viviana - Our friend we left behind in Conce

photos of the scenery between Temuco and Conce

Juananox + Abner + Byron

My nan and Aunty Silvia

Our trip back Temuco via Air

In the cabin

The cherished wood heater.. keeps us toasty warm.. Juananox trying to use the Mac

at the Markets.. where our weekly fruit and veges cost us $20!

on the way to the ranch

Leyla pigging out on Yoghurt

Going to see a few lakes


Lake Caburgua!

the family!

Our new place and our street

our dining room


Gav said...

Great pics bro, thanks for the update on life and family

annettetherocker said...

Wow! The lake is pretty amazing!