Hands up if you love being an Australian!?! I've got my arms high in the air - can you see them??? Even though I wasn't born in this country, I AM an Australian along with all the other proud immigrants. My friend Dave sent me this shot and it's great to see even the mud on a dirt track embraces Australia!! ;)
As our country learns to unite as a nation, I vote we bring in PATRIOTISM!! It's something that's not natural to us Aussies (American's have got it down packed) and generally we seem to fight against success and unity, by people's sub-conscious embrace of 'the tall poppy syndrome'. We say we are proud to be Aussies but do we show it? Why does bagging ourselves, our friends, our armed forces, indigenous Australians or public servants even(though some deserve it) come so naturally and encouraged? Is it possible this is damaging cultural conditioning acting as a road block to unity and growth? Yep!
But I reckon Perth's Australia Day celebrations on the fore shore is the most unified party for Australia I've seen. Everyone goes to the same place in unity in the name of tradition and celebration, despite parking hassles and crowds! They don't do it like that over east... Great job Perth - no other city does it like you guys do!
Wave the flag Aussies - we have a lot to be proud of!
hey i might become really patriotic now.... never was for France ahah!!!i love your country guys and love Perth: such a beautiful city...
May I just say there Kymbo, that I disagree on your comments about Aussies being unpatriotic and tall poppy haters.
Firstly, I don't think we have what you call a "tall poppy syndrome". I think most Aussies adhere to what I call the "tall tosser syndrome". No one likes a tosser, especially a tall one! For a quick example take Alan Bond, Anthony Mundine and Russel Crowe - all tossers and no one likes them!
On the other hand, Mel Gibson, Steve Waugh, AB, The Don, Tony and the Wiggles - everyone likes them even though they are tall because they are not tossers.
Also, I think you will find that most Aussies are extremely patriotic. Take a look at when we play the Poms, the Windies, NZ or the Cricket Boks - win or lose (better to win of course) the whole nation is there in great support of our heros. Well nearly the whole nation...
It seems Kymbo that the problem with our lack of said patriotism is caused by the influx of non Aussies into the Australian populace. The problem is, Kym, that some of those who have immigrated into this flamin great country still bat for the other team, drive on the wrong side of the road and can't speak the local lingo which by chance just happens to be "AUSTRALIAN". IF these so called "Aussies" got their act together we would have the greatest country in the world (which we do may I just say, its just some of thepeople who live here that are the problem)!
that's what I think... if you don't like it go HOME!
australia is the best country in the world and perth is the best city in the best country in the world!
bring on aussie day!
Well said Boof - I guess sport is a flaming huge exceptions to the tall poppy syndrome as you indicated by most of your examples. I guess I forgot about that one. I pray I never fall victim to the tall tosser syndrome.
Well Kymbo it all depends on if and whether you turn into a tosser! It's all up to you...
Thanks for a thought provoking post on this site Kymbo - let me open this discussion up again since Boof shut it down with his comments.
What is patriotism really?
I don't think that Americans are actually any more patriotic than Australians, but I do think the expression of their patriotism is different to that of Australians. Americans seem to love the big public flag waving ceremonies and the big speeches which reminds them of their 'ideals' about their country, being the land of the free and the home of the brave etc (hope that's in the right order).
Whereas Aussie patriotism seems to be more so expressed through our obsession with our national sporting teams and their achievements - reminding us of our 'ideals' - mateship, teamwork, etc.
I reckon the real test of a nation's patriotism is in its tolerance towards its people because that's what a country is made up of. It's not just about one's feelings towards it's sporting heroes or towards a set of nice sounding ideals but to the diverse range of people that make up the country.
I think that both countries could be more tolerant. I like the fact that Aussies generally call things for what they are and that there isn't a lot of hype and pretense involved - but I don't like the fact that we are not very embracing of diversity. I reckon that is the road block.
i truly think that we can't value patriotism cause it's a really subjective notion.For example, some people would say that french people are not patriotic just because they don't put the french flag all away on 'bastille day' (national day). but we are patriotic in different area.
In aussie, with my objective (try to be) eye, i have noticed that aussie people are not patriotic in word but in action. The 'footy' is a good example of that. I am not agree 'BOOF' when you said that australia is loosing his patriotism because of the immigration. Maybe you forgot that australia and a lot of countries have been built thanks to the immigration which means in other term who can truly consider himself as a 100 % AUSSIe?. I dare you...
well what about that? If i may say there ladies that my old man is/was a Pom (he was neutralised) a few years back and to be honest i don't think that he would have passed the Aussie test as he doesn't drink beer - but they let him stay cause 2 of his boys do! However, i would invite all of the readers of BIG tony's blog to have a go at the following website and see how they go.
I managed a good score of 19. Even MArk Cullen who is a Kiwi got 19 - shows he has embraced the culture and should be considered "true blue".
But I would like to point out Bridgiedidge (very Aussie nickname) that most Aussies, are very accepting of all cultures - we like everyone but if you are to live amongst us we have a few rules.
1. Buy Beer.
2. Drink Beer.
3. Drink Beer with Friends.
4. Learn the phrase "C'mon AUSSIE C'mon".
5. Be able to say #4 before and/or after a few #3's.
I know that you may find this hord (if you are a Cricket Bok) but I know that if you really tried you could give up your fush and chups, chulli buns, pottles of icecream, wettas and cousie bro's...
Australia is the place to be - so why not be an Aussie?
Just saw the news... who thinks that Dimir Jockitch (don't know how to spell his name properly) is one who should be mentioned as being a member of the tall tosser club? In my opinion, I think that it is a good thing that his daughter (and I have no idea how to spell her name - yell-ayne-ah) has decide to come back to the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!! Flippin good work mate - tell the old man to bugger off!
As John Laws says (even though he is a tosser too) "If you find a good thing, switch/stick too it!"
Valvoline, you know what I mean!
about the beer, i will not pass i think.... cause i hate beer but i think there is much more important value in Australia than that...( I hope)
Becoming an AUssie is also be able to bring what you have to offer from your own country. Of course not trying to impose. A country is rich by his people diversity...
tryied the test got 11 right, not too bad after 10 months in AUSSIE
hmm i don't drink beer but i was born and bread in this fine country. i'm gonna make a new critiera - one that i would win hands down...
even tho pretty much no one on here knows who i am, i still say my point is valid ;)
Ruth Janine: great point I love the beach too! And I love your about me... sister-daughter-student-volunteer-princess... BRILLIANT!
So let us know who you are so we can get to know you. Just for the record I don't like beer either (I think it's just Boof) except the odd Irish guiness or kilkenny for swilling social occassions - so I guess I do like a bit of beer - I'm just picky!
I got 18 out of 20, I don't like beer and I'll still say 'fush' and 'chups' if i want too!!
I'm a kiwi and im EXTREMELY proud of that, and even though i live here in Australia (not a bad country at all) I'll still always be a New Zealander at heart deep within my inner most soul and mind.
and no matter how long i live in australia, i will never become a "true blue aussie" and i will always passionately and excitedly support my beloved Allblacks!! who are very close to my heart.
Australia is a fine country, but to suggest that people who come here from other countries should just make australia their new patriotic home is just absurd.
If australia was really so good, it would be able to deal with a few kiwis and south africans still following their own sports teams..
GO THE ALLBLACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna know how a discussion on patriotism turned into an all out discussion on sporting teams? Oh yeh that's right... we're in Australia and sport rules!! Go the Opals!! (anyone know which sport that is? Just the most played sport in Australia, that get's very little air time or sponsorship - that's wacked!!!)
Well if I didn't get something right? Harry Boy has just given us a great example of the problem with patriotism in Aussie... go home mate!
But to be honest (i am lying again) I don't mind the fact that Kiwis and Cricket Boks still go for their "loser" teams. If i was to leave this great country (for some stupid reason) I would still support our loser teams too. The Wallabies suck at the mo - but go the Aussies in the Cricket - lost the Ashes but we will continue cause Aussies never give up, we only stop for beer.
And by the way redRollover, I believe that to the distdain of many an AFL fan (of which I am not - stupid foosball) that the most poplularly played sport in this country is actually soccer. Who gives a rip about netball?
Hmmm, I don't drink beer (it stinks) or go to the beach (it's windy and salty) but I was born and raised here and so were my parents. I do however watch the Aussies kick peoples butts at cricket and rugby. I am extremely proud to be an Australian, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Boof, I agree that people who don't go for Aussie teams should be sent home, or at least be denied citizenship.
hehe glad you like the "about me" part ;).
since i keep invading here i'll abide by your request redrolle and intro myself.
i came to know the riverview crew through my friend annski who i met when i lived in Hong Kong. I met Jess and Jay at uni - they both study psychology as well, i met samn at the mercy ball where we were both helping out - i know bonnie cause we grew up together at school, and serg, well, lets not go there ;) na, he's cool :)
oh and i used to go to riverview when i was younger - that's why i grew up in perth instead of melbourne cause my parents moved over here to do bible college there when i was a wee 6 year old girl - best move of their lives.
i go to sunset coast clc in joondalup - best church ever (besides yours of course), and i'm sure i'll bump into you all again sometime soon!
ps. just for the record - i love the AFL!
its like a frickin bear jambaroo around here.. !!!
Love all the comments.. but who really cares.. im about as aussie as the next bloke.. even if he is wearing a turban or eating with chopsticks!..
like Bridgiedidge said.. australia is patriotic and any country for that matter.. we just express it differently..
The bigger question here is why do we nned to be like america Kym?.. as in why do u compare Autralia with the Yanks??? are they the standard that we should compare ourselves to? sure hope not!
Boof, why would i go home when i can still passionately support my beloved allblacks right here in perth??
And sorry Annette, but australia hardly have good cricket and rugby teams...
Let me just say I love Australia!! The point I was trying to get across had nothing to do with comparing our Australia with any other country or sporting team... I'm just sick of us bagging each other in general and would love to feel a 'little love in the room' in the form of encouragement. Is that such bad thing? Good to see this has spurred on some firey discussion though. ;)
Harry Boy, i do recal a time in the not too distant past when all NZ has was saucers to drink out of - Cause us Aussies had all the flamin cups. Let me see, there was the Tri Nations, The Bledisloe, The Ashes, World Cup (Union) etc. Now being nice blokes we thought that it was time to let some other people have a cup or two (poor excuse for losing but who really cares)!
I also agree with tony - what is the deal with the Yanks redRollover? Just cause you been to Texass! And to say you don't like bagging your mates - where would Australia be if we didn't? I shudder to think... mainly because I have to get the gears working. If i couldn't bag tony for being mexican even though he is from Chile, I think i would lose my will to live.
What? My hunkalisious Tony is not a MEXICAN? I am very dissapointed to have been decieved.
I still love you Tony even if you are not a mexiCAN.
I don't get it Boof? What do you mean "what's with yanks?" Is that a question? Boof & Tony... I mention a passing statement that America is patriotic and all of the sudden I might as well be George W Bush's boot licker! Not fair - think I might go cry in the corner and fill my cowboy boots with tears... second thought I might just come in there and see if you can say it to my face!...
There are far too many comments on this post. And I really should be working right now.
Well you know what they say about George Dubya Bush?
Apparently when he was informed by his good mate Donald Rumsfeld a few months back that 3 Brazilian men had died in the lastest assualt in Iraq, Mr Bush sat there for a few moments before asking, "How many is a Brazillion? That sounds like quite a lot!"
ha haa haa!! *LOL*
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