Friday, May 2

April Update 08

Just a quick update for April..
Highlight for the month was that we got broken into.. not a great feeling and most of our sense of security was quickly taken away from us.. but that's long gone now and we're settling down and getting on with stuff.. they didn't take many things.. mostly clothing and some jewellery.. luckily they didn't get as far as the lounge room where most of the valuable stuff was.. Massiel's uncle passed away last week and we went to the funeral.. a very sad moment for her family.. other than that life has been centred around Massiel's prac and teaching english.. has been great to finally do something worthwhile after such a long time on the couch.. this coming month has a lot instore for us one of the highlights to look forward to is Massiel finishing her prac and we can start planning our return to Perth and see if that is a possibility sooner than later.. not many pics taken in April so i'll leave u all with few fav flower photos..

1 comment:

the b00f™ said...


is that what those flowers are tONy?

good to hear ur butt is not as numb as it once may have been and that u r practising ur engrish - they wont let u back in the country if u no speak him gooder!

have a gooder one