For New Years we had a quiet gathering... a good time was had by all.. specially Ray..

Luisa + Tim & Bryce + Ray getting ready for the New Year

Rick + Sandy & Sara-Jane + Nadine & Aaron

Ray & Giselle

Me & Luisa x 2

Tim and Nathan + Nadine and Seth + Simon, Fi, Garrick and Simone

The Cocktail Bar opened at 9pm

and it was ON

Gav.. Ray... Gaylene

Faster Higher Stronger

Gaylene + Nadine,Mark & Me + Aaron & Gaylene
Looks like you guys had fun - are they GT's paws on Rayzo's back? Raunchy!! Is that Rayzo's new tat - noooice Ray!
get rocket (citius), stand on a milk crate (altius) and get on the juice (fortius)... nice party by the way - or so I herd.
yeah thanks for the invite...just kidding.
Yeah and I actually know what the 3 words mean on Rays tat on his back, I'll tell you all later.
Great party by the way, or so I was told....
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