Hey happy new year everyone! I thought I'd kick off the new year by doing something totally spontaneous. Spurred on by good times and the rockstar annointing, Polly & I took the roof off my beast Tonto, and headed down south for the South Bound Music Festival... check out this line up... SWEET!

Then we had to spread some elrancho love on their painting board... plus some Jesus & Capture30Days.com graffiti to their arty vibes...

My faves were Xavier Rudd, the Shins & Ozomatli... These gigs were so hot you needed a power hose to cool it down and some ghetto water bottle action. You'd never seen a line up to fill your water bottle like this before - it took an hour unless you were like us and worked out a scull & run technique! Also we kept seeing Ben Vance's daggy alter ego - no where near as slick as Elly's Benny! Hey congratulations guys on your engagement guys!!

Here's a little shot of X.Rudd blessing the crowd and then he shares about how much he loves having Polly & Rolle at this festival!! "How much Xavior? Oh that much!!"

But I loved Ozozmatli!!!! Boogie on brothers! PEACE OUT & ROCK ON!

It seems, redrollover, that there are some who like to spend their lives following after famous/semi famous people. Whilst I know you might say that I follow Tony, and that he follows Jesus and Jesus follows the Lord (one wonders how he doesn't walk around in circles?).
What I am trying to say is that maybe your obsession with certain people who are in bands, may lead one to think that one maybe is living ones dream through the lives of others. Henceforth, I suggest that maybe you need to start your own band, you and polly. You could call it "Roll-e-Poll-y". Hmmm
Looked like fun though... by the way it is only 3 weeks to Delirious if you aint got your tix! And Mark Cullen is supporting and I am looking forward to that as I get to mix it up a bit - I can say that I supported Delirious now!
The Cullen is also on the sess this Sunday nioght - they rehearsing now - sounds gooder!
That's a really bad joke bOOf, just to take the ___ out of 'The Green Tea Club' groupies. Good onya Kimbo- looks like a great gig.
Gav: Oh I didn't even get that he was taking the Mickey... ahh well. Dissin' the GTCC is another issue!
Boof: The fact is that many moons ago we got sick of being groupies for bands, so we did make our own band B0Of... (thanks for your advice) we were called 'Sheframe' (take off of Soulframe and we only played air instraments. I play a mean air bass. We played the Australian Gosepel music Festival and even designed our own CD (EP :'spirit fingers') & media realease. Turns out we got gigs even though we had as much talent as Milli Vanilli and the Paul Colman Trio asked us to be support act!! Classic! Not bad for a fake band. So there's a little inside from the Rock'n'Rolle vault... email me if you want to see the album cover.
I think you need to do an official El Rancho post on that Kymbo - album cover and all.
I wasn't joking at Gavo! And i didn't in anyway mention or intend to infer anything re the GTCC... you need to read the story properly to get the facts. All I was saying that it seems that RedRollover is alway following bands etc and that may be she should join one - then we can follow her!
That said, I would like to see the said "band" that the Roller had in fact "started". Bring it on love!
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