Wednesday, February 1

Deep is for the ocean...

I just have to say that I've noticed that there have been a few comments on how our blog isn't 'deep' enough for some. (Yes, I was eaves dropping). I know blogs are supposed to be diary like, but do you really wanna hear about my son's latest funny thing he did that isn't really funny to anyone else for the hundreth time or what mess I just cleaned up off the kitchen floor? Nope...didn't think so.
So, although some blogs may peer deeper within one's self I think elrancho is definitely more 'relaxo' on the whole issue. Yes there are a lot of photo's.....of ourselves.....posing...but isn't that quicker than writing a whole speel on it? As they say, a picture paints a thousand words. That's not to say that we do have moments of seriousness, but I for one am not completely comfortable with everyone knowing about my deepest, darkest innermost thoughts. And even the ones that aren't dark would probably bore you...coz most of the time I'm just thinking about what I should cook (or order!) for dinner. Bore Factory.
But on the whole I hope that this year we entertain, inspire, provoke, make you laugh or just chillax a little while you visit us making the whole experience enjoyable. Just like church, we want you to walk out of this site a being a bit closer to your light hearted side than you were before you walked in.
So if you want deep, go to the ocean...or just talk to us! If you live in Perth that
(Apologies to everyone else who has a blog & gives more than what we offer here...this is not an attack, I repeat this is not an attack! LOL)


Anonymous said...

hey jess; I have been ask by.... why I wasn't commenting that much now and I just find hard to comments on photos specially when it's not my pics.... I am not looking for something deeper but just entertaining with a touch of fantasy!!!!!
so bring in on and Ill be there...
liked what you said by the way

b r y c e said...

I try and I try, but frenchysheila, I still can't understand you.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment bryceo... I guess you need to spend time in france and then learn the language... to be able to understand my english.that's a shame because I can understand you time i post my comment in japanese , so then i make sure that no one will understand...but... what's the point???

Anonymous said...

As I have said before Jessie, if you want deep go and DIG a hole in the ocean! People need to realise that in this fast paced world we live in, things just can't be deep... like pothole are deep enough, if they were any deeper you would lose your car. Or if the cracks in the cricket pitch were deeper then you would lose a fast bowler ot two.

Therefore in this world of spakfilla, we smooth over the cracks and pothole and feel safe in our shallowness - only to be undone by the next rain shower or hot day at the WACA when the pothole and cracks start to appear again.

We will not mention plumbers or any other 'tradesmans cracks' (or even unlicensed cracks, white collar cracks and professional cracks) as no one and I mean no one, wants to go there no matter how deep!

Unknown said...

here here jess! x

Anonymous said...

Look here- It is a very good site then......
It may be a little light hearted, but thats what everyone needs now and again. If you don't like it- turn it off & go somewhere else (just like the TV).

Anonymous said...

Lighthearted is not the word Gav, this blog deals with the important things in life... Tony and his photos!
Where would we be without them, without the colour he brings? I think that our worlds would be duller and boringer, maybe even stupider!
Just look at all the fools who want to have their photo taken just to see it on ElranchoRelaxo... what hope would they have without it?

This blog makes us all famous!