Monday, March 6

Heavenly thoughts

My spiritual question for today is:
Is anyone else afraid of heaven??

I know I may lose my 'christian' license for even asking that, but I actually do have a slight fear of heaven. It may be that heaven is ETERNAL which means 'seemingly endless', or 'continuing without interruption'...and that freaks me out. It even seems absurd, because the other option is hell which isn't really an option at all is it. Of course there are the obvious perks of heaven: chillin' with J.C, Abe, Moses etc. It would be like a who's who of the bible...getting answers to those great mysteries you've always wondered about!! And you would have lions & lambs for pets, wearing the white robes which I'm guessing would never get dirty, living in that great mansion you've built for yourself through tithing. All those good points & still I fear the unknown. But I'm human and anything that's unknown is always pretty scary. I'm just glad I'm on the winning side! TESTIFY!!

(Note to people who only look at pics: I tried posting them but as per usual, couldn't!!)


Unknown said...

HOW WEIRD!... I was just thinking about that today... one mind my friend! :p anyway, im totally with u on that, kinda freaks me out too!

*jessix* said...

Yes my friend, great minds do think alike.

HaRRy BoY said...

Hey Jess, interesting thought there. I've often pondered on the same types of things..

What will heaven really be like? will it be real? will we still taste and touch and smell and hear.. or will it be all mystical and perfect?

Eg. will we still be beings that interact and chat about the weather and have the occasional argument etc...?

I guess the fears that i have had, is that it will be some big mystical place where everything's perfect and good because "it has to be because its heaven"

That said, i dont think it will be like that. And i think we can trust God that it will be awesome and real to what we know and are used to and love.

I think, if we are made in God's likeness as Genesis 1:27 tells us, then i think that means he has a similar thought pattern to us.. and i think he understands the things that we like and want. So i think heaven will certainly contain alot of things that we love here in this world, but they will be bigger and better versions of them in heaven.

I guess all i mean is, God perfectly understands how we would want heaven to be, and will have made it in accordance with what we desire.

I guess no-one will really ever know til they get there, but i think we can trust God that it will be cool.