Monday, April 3

Aaron's Deep Thought

I have been wondering this for a while
And since some people would look on this as a stupid question but I think that it is worth looking at regardless.
Well actually, it isn't one question, it is a few and they were all inspired, and by inspired I from a song written by Chris Rice
These questions are talking to God and here they are:
"Do our jokes make you laugh?"
"What's your faviourite cartoon?"
"Do you ever play tricks on the angels?"

Those are the main ones. If you think that that is a complete load then continue on your way.
I was just wondering what other people thought of those


*jessix* said...

Gees, never thought of asking God those questions...I reckon we make him laugh, or at least bring happiness & a smile to his heart. Just the same way he is gets angry coz he's a jealous God, or sad when we walk away from Him. Dunno if there's cartoons in heaven?!? And I don't think he plays with the anges...don't they just stand around all day singing 'holy is the lord' or something?? But then again, my perception of Him is probably either wrong or too small.

ToNyAKAsErG said...

yeh i think God laughs.. i know cos i love to laugh.. and im made in His image.. and i reckon He loves the simpsons.. they are the best.. and i dunno if He plays tricks on them.. wouldnt surprise me.. He has a sense of humour..