Saturday, May 13

Overdue post...

Well this is an over due post.. haven't really been taking many pics lately.. haven't really been anywhere to take pics.. here are some pics taken of a few of my relatives..

My lil niggas byron and bryan..

my punks.. i did their hair.. they wanted it like mine.. PUNKS

alvaro and bryan..

all the kids in the kitchen.. alvaro was hungry.. leaning against the fridge

byron wanted to go to work.. he put on his dads boots!!..

la cruz de mayo is the may cross some catholic tradition followed by the kids who go around and collect food then prepare themselves a meal.. my cousins bryan and juan were part of it.. its actually quite funnt to watch 20 or so kids going from house to house singing.. something along the lines of 'give us food'

my uncle domingo aka mingo aka peineta aka narigon aka hermano mingo.. he is quite a character.. love hanging out with him cos he doesnt mind losing every game of pool we play.. he lives in hope that he will beat me one day.. shame..

mum, aunty silvia and nanna.. we went to 'la feria' they are street markets that open every saturday.. fresh vegetables.. clothes.. and stuff..

mum buying some vegies.. kids who carry ur good home on a wheelbarrow.. for as low as $3.. how cheap is that!

mingo mum and aunty silvia rehearsing a hymn..

on the way from concepcion.. taken from the bus..

my bro andmy ID cards.. check out my signature a age 8.. shame

me aged 8


Unknown said...

nooshville population you!! :)

Anonymous said...

So waht happens when you are going through custom and they search your bags and see you lil' baby photos?

Do they
a: laugh at your mexican ass?
b: ask waht happened to the nice kid?
c: search you for weed? (you can hide your weed in here)
d: sing U2 songs - I used to cry when I was a boy...
e: smoke your weed
f: all of the above