That's right folks!! This is Sergio's high school formal photo!! Soak it up before he finds out, (while in Ireland) and wants to take it off the blog!!
We can't wait for you to come home Serg! You Nicole-nabbing-high-school-Chilean-you!!!
hey mate, don't blame my open doors for your lack of discretion there tOny! YOu need to keep yOur "personal" things where yOur "person" can keep and eye on things...
the b00f ™ looks forward to your return tOny so you can GET YOUR CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE!
Ahh in memory of good times - thanks for posting this pic Elrancho. My agent said you guy were good, but I had no idea you were this good! And Serg I'm not ashamed of our hot date... It seems I had great taste even in my Batman days!
In actual fact Tony- I was partly to blame for the release of this photo!! It was not from the goods stored at bOOf's tm, you will be very happy to know. Anyway- when I caught up with Nicole 2 weeks ago, she still talks very fondly of you....
massiel aka my love
gav aka gavo
kym aka redrolle
dave aka b00f
brett aka brettski
lui AKA my bro AKA negro
judith AKA my sis AKA nigga
jenny aka fere
harold aka mr turner
elisabeth aka frenchysheila
gaylene aka gt
Aaron aka Bookstore Guy
jess aka jessix
erynne aka Ezzie
ann aka annski
paul aka hardy boy
Luke AKA Parker
Garrick AKA nelson
Simone AKA Mrs Field
adam aka mr meridith
amanda aka ampster
sara aka polanski
michaela AKA mika
phil aka ps phil aka ps baker
ramzie aka rambo
alyson aka aly
adam aka AP
sandra aka sandy
paul aka morro
mark aka mr cullen
ray aka rayzo the amazo
dom aka dominator
annette aka annettetherocker
fiona aka fi
duane aka dicko
dave aka the texan
mark aka IBM
jen powell
ryan aka danger ryan
clare aka clareo
dave aka ryderboy
adam aka ads
jay aka jj aka jason
Sam AKA Sammy
Francis AKA Frank aka PoL
jason aka batty boy
danielle aka red wonder
Steve AKA Stevo AKA Plumb
Caitlyn AKA Caity
maurice aka the black man
kelly aka kelzzus
michelle aka shell
meg aka princess meg
jason aka miagi
james aka jimmy aka bond
seth aka seth
james aka chrome dome
greg aka gregski
chris aka hungryjacks dude
130's guy
random guy
I always knew our Serg had some pull-power! Lovin the hairdo.
i am sure that tOny will not appreciate the use of his person in such a scandelous manner...
however, who really cares wot tOny thinks... haha
Good work Rollover.
watch out keith!!
told u kym to keep that photo and not use it for evil purposes.. i knew i had to lock my stuff in at boofs.. shame.. now nicole will be upset..
hey mate, don't blame my open doors for your lack of discretion there tOny! YOu need to keep yOur "personal" things where yOur "person" can keep and eye on things...
the b00f ™ looks forward to your return tOny so you can GET YOUR CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE!
you better watch your mexican back. i'm coming after you.
Ahh in memory of good times - thanks for posting this pic Elrancho. My agent said you guy were good, but I had no idea you were this good! And Serg I'm not ashamed of our hot date... It seems I had great taste even in my Batman days!
In actual fact Tony- I was partly to blame for the release of this photo!! It was not from the goods stored at bOOf's tm, you will be very happy to know.
Anyway- when I caught up with Nicole 2 weeks ago, she still talks very fondly of you....
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