"Last-gasp penalty breaks Australian hearts" as reported... and wasn't it true! If you don't know what I'm talking about crawl back into your hole, pull over the covers, which is probably where you were (in bed) when we Socceroo fans were all cheering on our team.
Now I don't consider myself worthy of a title of a true fan by any means, however I did feel the anguish as I held back squeals of excitement with every close call. And there were MANY! With my fellow 'new fans' we were led into the emotional disappointment of our team being cheated (that's right - "CHEATED!" Mr Cantalejo!) My friend in London sms'd me as he was almost in tears and resorting to drowning his sorrows. So here's tribute to the Socceroos! Good on ya fellas! We got further than ever before... Wait till the next World Cup - we'll be ready!
Anyway - enough bla bla bla from me - where were you watching? How was the vibe there?
These getty pictures say it much better than my spiel!!

What pain was felt by most Aussies, though atleast Guus managed to get them through to the final 16. In the true Ausy spirit, we will again rise to the challenge (that is when they find some better refs!!). Well done boys- you did you real proud.
OMG... I felt soo AUSSIE last night. I was so desappointed ... No doubt that the socceroos deserved to be at least to the 1/4 final. controversial referees all along the world cup.well done guys anyway, you are part of the soccer history now. I'll try to console myself with a french win tonight hopefully...
what a load of bollocks! Who seriously gives a rip about some stupid bunch of losers playing foosball? I flaming don't. I was sleeping when they won, drew and lost - I will continue to sleep henceforth knowing now that I missed nothing that was worth losing sleep over...
the b00f was glad when the Wabbalies whipped the leprechauns...
Bring on the Ashes - now that is CRICKET!
you boof don't know how to appreciate good stuff SHAME. you could support the socceroos as they never shined before!!!!!
i said I was glad when the wabbalies won didn't I frenchywoman? Henceforth the b00f (tm) appreciated good stuff. The Loseroos were crap - the b00f (tm) rests his case... of beer as it gets heavy and the b00f (tm) has a medical certificate!
b00f : "Shame shame shame" To be Australian is to support all things Aussie, and it seems that you Sir are a few shades short of a pergola. Not only do you deny the valiant efforts of our countrymen representing Australian sport at a World competition level but you you cheat yourself of the brilliant glimses of patriotism which seem rare in a divided world.
I bet you don't get out of bed for ANZAC day either because honoring those who fought for our country is "bollocks" - after all, why should you? You weren't there or even born yet most likely. Although you could be an old 69yr old for all I know and by the way you carry on. You "b00f" are not the point! Australia is!
well the b00f seems to have stepped on some old guys toes? Or did he? If Mr "Hinch" was really who he said he was then maybe his comments would possibly have some merit but seeing as "he" hides behind a certain persona all I can say is BOLLOCKS TO YOU MR HINCH!
And for your information, ANZAC day was 25th of April 1915 - even if I was 69 I would still not be old enough to have been there.
BTW, don't ever confuse sportsmen with the real heros of our country! Shame on YOU MR "Hinch"!!!
I am the real b00f ™
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