Wednesday, November 29

readers digest... BOLLOCKS TO YOU!

the b00f™ a couple of years back was sucked into subscribing to a well known and regularly bagged magazine, and yes you guessed it, Readers Digest (RD) is its name. Now for those of you in our el rancho family, who are somewhat unaware of their marketting methods, let the b00f™ explain:

Firstly they tempt you with the possibility of winning cars and/or glorious riches but with a catch... firstly u must subscribe to their mag.
Then, they again tempt you with more wonderous prizes but only if you buy their products... but you can just reply to their invitation without a purchase but you have a lesser chance of winning anything.

the b00f™ has therefore observed, that no matter how often you buy something or even reply, you get nothing! Also, if you stop buying and replying, they still send you the same crap constantly that says because you are a "valued customer" and have continued to buy their "bollocks" products and henceforth you therefore have a chance to win more glorious prizes in the vain hope that you will purchase more bollocks products!

the b00f™ after great thought and prayer, decided to recycle said letters and wait for said subscription to run out. Apparently, RD doesn't need for you to renew your subscription (like u do with most other subscription services) and will continue to send you your copy of RD monthly.

the b00f™ has also observed that even though his account is now 4 months overdue he still receives said correspondance stating his "coveted" customer status and potential winnings...

the question dear comrades is should the b00f™
1. wait to see if they really will send out a dept recovery agent for the huge $59 subscription he did not renew after receiving his 3rd final notice? - they don't seem very happy?
2. contact said mag to state his indifference to their claims of non-payment?
3. continue to receive free copies in the mail and contribute to the destruction of Australia's native forests?
4. contact TOday tOnoight and get them to stick it to the commy bastards!

Please tell the b00f™ what he should do and maybe you could include your own stories of struggle against the infidels...

Readers Digest, the b00f™ says "BOLLOCKS TO YOU!"


Anonymous said...

well the ball's in their court but the advantage is yours. if you don't to pay then don't. they can send the boys round with a baseball bat. you just read the mags for free, maybe spill a cup of coffee over a few of them, and hand them back when the repo boys come. it'll cost them more to mobilise the repo crew than it will for them to just forget about the whole sordid affair. its a win-win situation.

Gav said...

Well I to was sucked into the Readers Digest black hole of nil paying subscription, I ended up ringing up and the matter was sorted. Get of your lazy arse b00f- and sort the matter out.

*jessix* said...

can't believe you got sucked in in the first place...thought you of all people boof would be wise enough to know that RD is a total rip off!not to mention annoying. If the reading material is pretty good, I'd just keep it...otherwise if it's not worth the read, call Customer Service.

Clare said...

My dad's dad buys us a damn subscription every year for Christmas.

Stupid things clog the letterbox. They go to the bin unopened.

Would be too rude to cancel Christmas-present-subscription.

I feel your pain b00f. Do something while you can :S

annettetherocker said... Dad's dad used to get us a subscription too! Then we asked for something different...

the b00f™ said...

like a kick in the head would be better hey annettewhorocks?

the b00f™ is astounded (and indeed flattered) that some believe the b00f™ is greater to the normal folk in that he shouldn't have succumbed to said evil shchemes. But alas, the b00f™, is as human as the next bloke and believes that some things in life should still be free... unfortunately free sometimes costs u something!

Bollocks... the b00f™ said it again (sorry Kymbo :;P? - how do smileys work???)

RedRolle said...

b00f you use "BOLLOCKS" quite a lot - DOESN'T THAT MEAN... ...GROSE! Do you use such language for lack of a better word? Surely... I mean there's ladies present! Keep profanities at the pub pretty please.

the b00f™ said...

did the roller not read the wikipedia thing on bollocks u sent to the b00f™? Bollocks is by far a more universal word than the b00f™ ever new. In fact, u may have increased his vocabulary on said subject... interesting.

Anonymous said...

my random addition (from the random person who lurks here now and then)...

you could take the ones clare's family throws in the bin! that way you get them for free and clares family letterbox and bin can stay clog free :)

Anonymous said...

I think your a fu@king sh*thead

Clare said...

i like mel..

can we keep him/her?


the b00f™ said...

she can't spell...