People of Perth, put on your party pants, pack your picnic basket, feed the cat to the dog and get your fine behinds along to the summers most loveless event the Love stinks Picnic in the Park...
visit www.myspace.com/lovestinkspicnic for more info!!
The Love Stinks Picnic 07 will be the first event of it's kind in the World (until proven otherwise). It's not Valentines Day - it's V.Day!! Don't miss out on all the fun! Come along, BYO rug, friends, fave comfort food, and everything else. Dress down: it's not like you're gonna hook up! ;)
Picnic goers should pack umbrellas and wellys’ in case of the unlikely event of a tearful emotional outbursts, the pillows they secretly hug at night wishing it was their lover. We would have also offered a bonfire for all unrequited love letters, but... we won't.
We're featuring the acoustic genius of the West Coast most tortured poet, the legendary, soon to be infamous musician Mal Cook + his friends will tickle your fancy and your hear holes.
LOCATION: Opposite the Queen Victoria Statue, Fraser Ave, Kings Park... under all the lit-up pink trees. Man - we go all out for you guys!!! Come early for a good spot - we have a reserved area. STINKIN UP the LOVE from @ 7pm!!

Warning: the organizers take no responsibility for anything!

Contact El Rancho's very own RED ROLLE for more info! P.S. Remember dress down, because seriously, hooking up is about as likely as a snow storm. And stalkers are NOT welcome, but technically a stalker is harmless if you don't know they're there. ;)
If you do nothing on v.Day - go to Love Stinks Picnic - it's gonna be fun!
kym rolle- I love you
what a nice idea! have fun ;)
Haha Kymmie, love ya post, I'm definitely gonna be there :)
I'll only go if Gunthor goes
(myspace.com/lovestinkspicnic for those who don't know)
You're the man Gunthor!
Let's watch all the sunrises in the whole world together. At Cottesloe.
Thanx for the invite, unfortunately I won't be there due to working that nite; and my boyfriend is busy as well....
Steamboat Boy
Cath - what do you mean have fun? It's a couple friendly event - bring your man and then you guys can make out in the car park after!! wink wink! I can't wait - it's gonna be great!
P.S. Warning to all: there may be hot pink poos on the grass!! Watch out!
Stinky love to ya - redrolle
haha kymmie - well he is proving himself to be quite the romantic one...i certainly would join you if he wern't taking me on a dinner-date to a secret location! yipee! you kids have fun and behave yourselves...don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)
oh my,
miss rolle - one hopes this gem of an event can clone itself and turn up in Albert park, Auckland City on 14/2/07 bring on the party vibes.
you fill my world with creative possibilities.
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