Monday, April 23

Bryce Leaving Pt2

Last night was Part 2 of Bryce's farewell party.. this time for friends.. a good but sad night, being his last Sunday night with us.. for a while..

the night was gastronomically delightful as Amp cooked up a storm

the usual close knit of friends were there..

enjoying the food BDG a happy man as Dom is about to sneeze.. Ering thinks.. Oh puhlease

bryce can believe what he is being told.. and BDG thinks hard about it..

Frank and Joelle were there to say bye to Bryce

me and Carmela..

b00f and bridget

outside getting a few snaps

dani and ann.. and even morro popped in for a bit

irish came along as mal was roasting the mallows.. annski seemed happy to see irish

a lil bon fire to keep us warm outside

and generally good times had by all..

do women really know what they want?? BDG says "no" (didnt find a picture of himself in it)..

a little grooming was goin on.. and long talks outside as midnight approached

just a few of us remained until the host kicked us out..


Anonymous said...

is bryce wearing the same shirt at both parties?

Anonymous said...

it would appear that he is.. perhaps the rest of his clothes were packed..