Wednesday, June 13

Winter Big Weekend

This weekend we're havin our Winter Big Weekend- its gonna go off.. and we're doin our album record.. which by the sounds of it.. will rock!.. so we invite you to join us from June 15-17 2007. This weekend is designed to make your INNER world BIGGER because life is lived from the inside out.

Guests include;

Mark and Darlene Zschech- Darlene has achieved worldwide acclaim as a singer, songwriter and worship leader. Mark is the Chairman of the Mercy Ministries International Board

André Olivier is the Senior Pastor of the fast growing, dynamic Rivers Church in South Africa.

Alun Davies is the Senior Minister of the thriving Faith! Christian Church in the Dandenong region of Melbourne.


Friday 15 6.00pm* André Olivier
8.15pm Alun Davies

Saturday 16 9.00am* Phil Baker
11.15am* Darlene Zschech
6.00pm* Alun Davies
8.15pm André Olivier

Sunday 17 9.00am* André Olivier
11.15am* Alun Davies
6.00pm Darlene Zschech
10.00am* Alun Davies (Joondalup, live)
10.00am* André Olivier (Cockburn Central, live)
9.30am* Darlene Zschech (Orange County, LA, videocast)

*Children’s facilities for more info phone office 94160000

1 comment:

garrick field said...

photos bro, we need photos, of guitars and rockstars and crowds and people and guitars and pastors and guitars and sounddesks and sound engineers and cables and guitars and backdrops and back stage and singers and worshippers and amps and morro's and marks and drummers and drums and bass players and rock and roll and....