Saturday, March 25

I'm back

It's been a while since I last posted so I thought I would come back with a really strange story.

There was a man who was a painter (keep in mind that this is true) he loved to paint with all his colours and ideas. One day he was in a car accident. His brain was damaged during the accident. The part of his brain that was damaged was the sections which translates colour. Heres the interesting part.
When he recovered from the accident he could no longer see colour. The strangest thing though, is that all his memories were in black and white. He couldn't imagine colour either. He could remember that there were colours, he could recall that there was a red, blue, green ect. but he just could not see, remember or imagine. That's just plain odd. This led me to the conclusion that memory is just a record of the electromagnetic waves which hit your eye.
I'd like to here what you think about this and what it says about the brain.


ruthjanine said...

sounds like an example they give us in our class at uni, and i think they may have even given that example last year.

i couldn't remember exactly what it was called so i looked it up in my textbook, and it's called colour agnosia, which is the loss of ability to percieve colours due to brain damage.

i may be wrong but i think thats it. i'm sure if you google it something will come up :)

Anonymous said...

Once there was this boy who, got into and accident and when he went to school his hair was blue?

Can't remeber the song - crash test dummies number 1 on the charts in the 90's? 10 bits of rubbish to the person who tells me the how it really goes?

And doop dude, what is with the removed message? Rude man ROOOODE!

Anonymous said...

video killed the radio star..

Anonymous said...

Boof, how could you forget Mmmmm Mmmmm by Crash Test Dummies. And from memory his hair had change from black into bright White.

Back to The Dupe's post, why do you find that illogical? Wouldnt it be much faster and save more memory space if your memory was just linked to the original data. Thus if your colour data was affected then all memorys that involved colour would pull up the colour database, find it is corrupt, and only display all memories in B&W cause that is all it knows. Makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Cuzy bro Mike wins the ten bits of rubbish - but you will have to wait for it as rubbish binny was taken out last night by the selectors and was this morning emptied by the local council who I know pay 9hunge a year for said privalige! I could give you ten beer bottles but I don't count them as rubbish - they are recyclable - as in they will hold beer again... and again... and again...

And puttingyournamewontgiveyoujusticebutwillallowusalltoknowwhoyouareandthenbeabletobagyouforcorrectlyquotingmymissquotedquoteinanattemptatalittlewit... put spaces between your words becasue it is damn hard to type without them and spell checker has no idea what you are trying to write!

Anonymous said...

good work bOOf, now i'm totally confused......