Sunday, November 26

The Church U Know.. Worship

Don't get us wrong — we love musical worship, and songs have a rich heritage and important role in worship. But when songs become synonymous with worship, the latter gets confined to nicely-transitioned 20 minute packages a few times a week. Sometimes, these packages are even off-key, or incredibly painful to listen to and participate in.

If worship is a condition of the heart and an attitude towards God, then worship can take place in so many more places and ways. It might be spending time with your children, or it might be going for a run. It might even be a group of friends sitting around enjoying conversation and a few beers and laughing when someone farts. Okay, the farting part might not be worship. But not every gathering has to have a guitar and singing to include true, heartfelt worship.

Authentic fellowship, both with one another and Christ, is always worship – and doesn’t need amplification for the world to hear.



the b00f™ said...

the b00f™ has known churches like that... 4 songs and 55 minutes later. Honestly, the songs are 5 minutes long each!

Good to see someone is making serious fun - one could say a "worldseye view" of the church.

Anonymous said...

song structure - whats that?

the b00f™ said...

isn't that where u build a bridge to get over something?

the b00f™ remembers a story about a farmer who found the cows were in his corn and it was told in 2 diff ways.

1. The Hymnal - Martha, the cows are in the corn, the cows are in the corn. Martha the cows are in the corn.

2. the Worship Chorus - Martha, Martha, Martha, the cows, the cows, the cows are in the corn in the corn, Martha the cows are in the corn the corn the corn, the cows are in the corn...

Now tell me, why is it that someone would want to take the preverbial out of that!

b00f out!™

Anonymous said...

Yes songs can be long, but the more time you have with God, the more we can try and be like God. =)