Monday, November 27

Running late?

So where do you park when you're in a hurry?... Ok and I'm not talking about 'parking' when you're on a date. Don't worry fellas - this ain't a relationships post, you're safe this time.;)

This post is about my brilliantly sneaky sister Belinda and her 'Very Gold Coast' antics. My hot corporate flying sister loves her Gloria Jeans coffee every morning and she's usually running late and looking for the closest park near the store. You and I know the handicapped parks are always the closest and at 8:14am my savvy sis thought she just might be able to get away with the tiny misdemeanour at that time of day.

Little did she know how guilt would over come her, when she pulled in and noticed an elderly couple a few bays over also in the 'handicapped zone'... uh oooo... they were looking at her in her swish, silver VW Golf and they seemed curious of her disability.

So, stumped of what to do - Belinda postponed her action by 'rummaging' through nothing at all in the passenger seat... then she gingerly stepped out of the car as the oldies looked on and she confidently faked a limp all the way to Gloria Jeans!! Hilarious!! As Tony would say... SHAME!! The oldies were convinced she had a problem... WE ALL ARE!

Have you every faked a limp or parked where you shouldn't? Come on - fess up!

Moral of the story: little naughties usually lead to bigger naughties. Be good - or as my Mum says - "Make good choices." Not near as funny though!

DISCLAIMER: We at ERR in no way support parking illegally... at all! Although - what Be did was wrong but you gotta love her! I do!


Simone said...

Having an uncle in a wheelchair as a quadriplegic for nearly all of my growing up years has made me fear the reproach of anyone who is genuinely disabled or caring for someone who is disabled. My grandmother used to give 'what for' to anyone parked in the spot without the proper sticker! So there's no chance I am ever risking running into my grandma!

Anonymous said...

i have a good friend in NZ who regularly used to try a limp when nobody was looking, but always got caught and had to continue the limp until he was out of sight of the person, lest he look like a tool.

ado said...

Parking in a handicapped bay!!....For a Gloria Jeans Coffee!!!!...SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!

RedRolle said...

Personally a quick coffee doesn't mean that much to me and my calves always could use more lovin with a little walk.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wall of shame guys - it seems like this lil misdemeanour has brought more joy to the world than sadness so in the end everything is justifiable... Oh, and BTW, I have ammended my handycap-slack-minded ways and now must resort to parking on the crosswalk... seriously! There were no parks again!! Ugh!

the b00f™ said...

the b00f™, who very recently recieved an infringement of 85 big ones for a somewhat lesser offence of parking outside a pub in a residential area (later in the evening so as not to inconveinience the residents) to drink beer... actually, the b00f™ was working in said pub, drinking beer - and will not park in said area again for fear of losing beer money!

the b00f™ therefore:


Even moreso in the fact that said sin was commited in order to commit a greater sin of buying and then consuming gloria jeans mud-in a-cup!

Honeslty... the b00f™ is disgusted! Kym talks about the "tall poppy" syndrome (all the time) but the b00f™ is talking here about the "tall tosser" - those who think that just because they can walk and henceforth are better than others, they can park where they like, do what they like and care nothing about others!

You "people" need to repent of your ways and park 100m down the road (because you can actually walk that far) and drink decent coffee!

Now stick that in ur cup and drink it!

b00f out!™

RedRolle said...

b00f - you know all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord... and it's mean to call people tossers...Especially to my sister! Besides I don't believe she physically qualifies to be a tosser... only guys... you're a guy right?

Don't be a mean person - it's not becoming! It's doesn't suit me either so don't make me come over there!

b r y c e said...

I agree with the b00f. I think everyone's missed the point on this one. Forget parking in a disabled bay, by the far greater sin is consuming Gloria Jeans coffee, or as the b00f aptly put it, "mud-in-a-cup".

Spare "younger sister of Rolle" your barbs for mocking the rights of disabled people, and pray the Lord forgives her wicked ways for drinking crap coffee.

the b00f™ said...

mean is parking in a disabled bay when u r clearly not disabled!

the b00f™ stands by his comments, because he doesn't need a wheelchair to get around and therefore doesn't mind parking down the road...

have legs, will walk!

Jodes said...

You guys argue over the most random things!Love it!